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Example 1: integration by parts
Example 2: trig sub
show(integrate(x**2/sqrt(5 - 4*x**2),x))
Example 3: more integration by parts
Example 4: trig sub with completing the square
Example 5: integration of polynomials
show(integrate(x * (x**2 + 5)**8, x))
Example 6: a trig integral
show(integrate(sin(x)**5 * cos(x)**2,x))
Note: both **
and ^
can be used to indicate powers.
To see the help for a function, do:
# ??integrate
A = expand((2*x+1)*(x-3)*(x**2+1))
This should give back the original product:
Let's make a rational function:
We can expand it into a sum:
Or get the partial fraction decomposition:
Sage knows how to compute limits!
limit(sin(x)/x, x= 0)
limit((1-cos(x))/x**2, x=0)
And occasionally it knows when a limit does not exist, too:
This function becomes nasty close to $x=0$:
Obtaining the equation for orthogonal trajectories for the given family of
curves. First, we set up some variables and store the equation of our family
into idvar
k = var('k')
y = function('y')(x)
idvar = 4*x^2 + y^2 == k^2
The contents of idvar
are exactly our equation. The ==
means we do not assign the right-hand side to the left-hand side, but rather compare them.
Let's differentiate both sides of this equality with respect to x
The underscore _
stands for the previous output.
Let's extract the right-hand side in this list of one element. In Sage, as in Python, [a,b,c]
denotes a list of the elements a, b, c
RHS = _[0].rhs()
Ok, now let's compute the negative inverse of the last output — that will give us the slope of orthogonal trajectories. Then, solve a differential equation with the o.t. slope in the right-hand side:
desolve(diff(y,x) == -1/RHS, y, show_method=True)
The following command will make several plots of the orthogonal trajectories for different value of the parameter _C. The plots are stored in the list ot_plots
ot_plots = [plot(_C*abs(x)^(1/4), color='magenta', xmin=-2, xmax=2, ymin=-2, ymax=2) for _C in [k*0.1 for k in [1..10]] ]
Make y
a variable again for the plot.
y = var('y')
Now let's make plots of the original curves. Instead of solving for y
, we treat them as implicit plots.
orig_plots = [implicit_plot(4*x^2+y^2==k^2,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2)) for k in srange(1,6,step=0.5)]
Now sum all the plots in the two lists we have built and show them:
sum(orig_plots) + sum(ot_plots)
The following is a pretty example in Maxima; Sage interface to Maxima seems buggy, as control seems to never go back to Sage?
# maxima('plotdf(-2*x/y,[xfun,"sqrt(x);2*sqrt(x);sqrt(x);3*sqrt(x);-sqrt(x)"], [y,-10,10.1], [x,-10,10])$')
In any case, here is the same example using 'native' Sage:
p1 = plot([sqrt(x),2*sqrt(x),sqrt(x),3*sqrt(x),-sqrt(x)], x, 0, 10)
p2 = plot_vector_field((y,-2*x), (x,-10,10), (y,-10,10))
y = var('y')
implicit_plot(x^2 - y^2==0.1, (x,-2,2),(y,-2,2))
polar_plot(sin(5*x)^2, (x, 0, 2*pi), color='blue')
x = var('x')
y = function('y')(x)
We will solve an example from the 2nd midterm here.
desolve(diff(y,x)==2*x*sqrt(y), y, show_method=True)
Ok, so that gives us a generic solution of the equation; to incorporate the initial condition $ y(3) = 4 $, we use the ics
deq = desolve(diff(y,x)==2*x*sqrt(y), y, ics=[3,4], show_method=True)
The answer becomes:
So we know the value of the constant as well. In order to obtain solution as an explicit function of $x$, we can solve the identity that is the first element of the list deq
for y(x)
, as we did previously for the orthogonal trajectory. You can go ahead and try this:
# solve(deq[0], y(x))
Sage will complain because it does not want to square both sides of this equation without knowing the sign of x^2 - 5
. To fix this, let's make the following assumption:
This now gives the answer we wanted:
solve(deq[0], y(x))
Logistic model in Maxima (can freeze Sage indefinitely):
# maxima('plotdf(0.08*P*(1-P/1e3), [t,P],[P,0,1400], [t,0,80], [xfun,"1000"])$')
Logistic with minimal population in Maxima (can freeze Sage indefinitely):
# maxima('plotdf(0.08*P*(1-P/1e3)*(1-2e2/P), [t,P],[P,0,1400], [t,0,80], [xfun,"1000; 200"])$');
Arclength of a Cartesian and a parametric curve:
def arclen(f,x,a,b):
return integrate(sqrt(1+diff(f,x)**2), (x,a,b))
def arclen_t(f,g,t,a,b):
return integrate(sqrt(diff(f,t)**2+diff(g,t)**2), (t,a,b))
Areas of surfaces of revolution, obtained by rotating $y = f(x)$ around the x and y axes:
def revsurf_x(f,x,a,b):
return integrate(2*pi*f(x)*sqrt(1+diff(f,x)**2), (x,a,b))
def revsurf_y(f,x,a,b):
return integrate(2*pi*x*sqrt(1+diff(f,x)**2), (x,a,b))
Area of a surface of revolution, obtained by rotating a parametric curve:
def revsurf_tx(f,g,t,a,b):
return integrate(2*pi*g(t)*sqrt(diff(f,t)**2+diff(g,t)**2), (t,a,b))
def revsurf_ty(f,g,t,a,b):
return integrate(2*pi*f(t)*sqrt(diff(f,t)**2+diff(g,t)**2), (t,a,b))
Area under the curve $y=f(x)$, and coordinates of the centroid of a region, bounded by $y=0$, $y=f(x)$, and the two lines $x=a$, $x=y$.
def area(f,x,a,b):
return integrate(f(x), (x,a,b))
def xbar(f,x,a,b):
return integrate(x*f(x), (x,a,b))/area(f,x,a,b)
def ybar(f,x,a,b):
return integrate(f(x)^2/2, (x,a,b))/area(f,x,a,b)
The same as above, but the region now lies between two curves $y=f(x)$ (upper) and $y = g(x)$ (lower), and the two lines $x=a$, $x=y$.
def area2(f,g,x,a,b):
return integrate(f(x)-g(x), (x,a,b))
def xbar2(f,g,x,a,b):
return integrate(x*(f(x)-g(x)), (x,a,b))/area2(f,g,x,a,b)
def ybar2(f,g,x,a,b):
return integrate((f(x)^2 - g(x)^2)/2, (x,a,b))/area2(f,g,x,a,b)
Question: what changes are necessary in the above code to make it work regardless of whether $f(x)$ is the upper or the lower curve?